S.O.S. – Help for Our Brains!

by | Jan 4, 2024

What is the state of your brain?

Do you write off memory loss and forgetfulness as a sign of aging? Yet there are plenty of people in their 90s who are sharp as ever and yet also younger people struggling with brain fog, memory and such. What is going on? What can we do? This discussion here just scratches the surface, but gives you direction for more research and action – help for your brain!

Brain Integration Technique

Let’s Turn to Some Doctors

Dr. Perlmutter and Dr. Dresden are doing ground-breaking work in the brain arena. They talk about Alzheimer’s as type 3 diabetes! They tell us that our brain needs healthy fats and cholesterol; so what has been the affect of the low fat, high sugar and carbohydrate diets of the last 40-50 years? ADD, ADHD, Autism, learning difficulties, dementia and Alzheimer’s are on the rise; no one can argue with that. In the near future, it has been said, half of people who reach age 85 will have dementia or Alzheimer’s! Clearly areas of concern, yet help is on the way.

What do they say?

Dr. Perlmutter’s newly revised edition of his wildly successful Grain Brain has been educating people about the brain for 2 or so decades. Dr. Dresden has published a book: How to Reverse Alzheimer’s. A bold statement indeed! Dr. Perlmutter and Dr. Dresden provide practical information and hope as well. Their books are vital to learning about brain health. Dr. Dresden sees deterioration of brain health as due to inflammation (from infection, diet or other), lack of sufficient supportive nutrients, hormones, and such (brain and body chemistry) and thirdly, toxic substances such as metals or microbes produced by mold toxicity or other. Genetics can play a part but do not have to be a determinant. Detoxing may be necessary. Diet of course plays a big part, either nourishing the brain or adding to cognitive decline. These doctors tell us how sugar and gluten play huge roles in declining brain health. Read their books for the full story and for help for your brain!

Healing Through Splankna Therapy

What else can we do?

Another category in brain decline is: Stress: life stress, emotional stress, trauma for example. Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique (BIT – a proven technique, developed 30 years ago) reduces stress in your brain and body so that your cognitive function improves, even develops cognitive functions that were struggles long ago in school! Brain connections are strengthened and new ones generated! When you get the obstacles out of the brain, the brain will work better.

Additionally supplements can help the brain, but it is best to be under the care of a holistic health practitioner to take exactly what your brain needs, especially when detoxing is needed. Nutritional Response Testing (NRT) and Autonomic Response Testing (ART) give you individual protocols designed just for you, via muscle testing. The Well of Life Center in Doylestown, PA provides BIT, ART NRT and other supportive services.

Know anyone with Chemo brain?

Yes that is what doctors call it, yet they offer no help. The author of this article has directly experienced Chemo brain and also recovery with a good diet, supplements from ART and Brain Integration Technique! A brain was lost and was found.

Additional resources: Books by Gary Taube are also very educational about diet. Crossinology.com and https://www.welloflifecenter.com/crossinology-brain-integration-technique/ provide information about Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique. Information on Nutritional Response Testing (NRT) and Autonomic Response Testing (ART) can be found at: https://www.welloflifecenter.com/nutrition/.  All these services are available at the Well of Life Center in Doylestown, PA. They can help your brain today!

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Written By Lisa Childs

BASW, Certified Brain Integration Practitioner

Lisa’s husband passed away from stage 4 lung cancer which had led her deeper into the holistic healing world. Five years later, Lisa found herself with cancer and within a few months Lyme disease and Bartonella – simultaneously. With the great support of the Well of Life Center and her own determination, she eliminated the Lyme and Bartonella - naturally - and then went for chemo and radiation. She is now 6 years cancer free. Lisa was diagnosed with “chemo brain” and experienced a blank brain at times and other brain dysfunctions.

Determined to find help, Lisa discovered Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique (B.I.T.) and so her journey began in healing the brain – first her own and then others. In 2021, Lisa joined the Well of Life Center as a BIT Practitioner, to help people truly heal on all levels. Lisa is helping children which is her passion and now also adults. “Change the world, one person at a time.”

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NOTE: We will open at 10am on the last Wednesday of each month.

Well of Life Center for Holistic Healthcare

201 Farm Lane
Doylestown, PA 18901

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