Well of Life Center for Holistic Healthcare

Heal Dysfunction Naturally

Nutrition Response Testing and Autonomic
Response Testing use a deep understanding
of the functioning of the body to determine
where certain stressors lie in your body.
The key is not to diagnose a dis-ease and
treat the symptom, but to identify the root
problem, and allow the body to heal by
supporting it nutritionally.

Are past emotional traumas
keeping you from enjoying life?

Are you searching for healing? Have you
tried counseling, doctors, and even medication
but nothing has had a lasting effect? Maybe it’s
time to try something different. Splankna combines
body, soul, and spirit in concert to resolve
emotional trauma.

Happy Baby = Happy You!

The Gillespie Approach–Craniosacral
Fascial Therapy is ideal for children
since it’s non-invasive, gentle, active,
and fun! CFT can also help adults
unwind tight fascia and release years
of strain.

Heal Dysfunction Naturally

Nutrition Response Testing and Autonomic Response Testing use a deep understanding of the functioning of the body to determine where certain stressors lie in your body. The key is not to diagnose a dis-ease and treat the symptom, but to identify the root problem, and allow the body to heal by supporting it nutritionally.

Are past emotional traumas keeping you from enjoying life?

Are you searching for healing? Have you tried counseling, doctors, and even medication but nothing has had a lasting effect? Maybe it’s time to try something different. Splankna combines body, soul, and spirit in concert to resolve emotional trauma.

Happy Baby = Happy You!

The Gillespie Approach–Craniosacral Fascial Therapy is ideal for children since it’s non-invasive, gentle, active, and fun! CFT can also help adults unwind tight fascia and release years of strain.

Heal Dysfunction Naturally

Nutrition Response Testing and Autonomic Response Testing use a deep understanding of the functioning of the body to determine where certain stressors lie in your body. The key is not to diagnose a dis-ease and treat the symptom, but to identify the root problem, and allow the body to heal by supporting it nutritionally.

Are past emotional traumas keeping you from enjoying life?

Are you searching for healing? Have you tried counseling, doctors, and even medication but nothing has had a lasting effect? Maybe it’s time to try something different. Splankna combines body, soul, and spirit in concert to resolve emotional trauma.

Happy Baby = Happy You!

The Gillespie Approach–Craniosacral Fascial Therapy is ideal for children since it’s non-invasive, gentle, active, and fun! CFT can also help adults unwind tight fascia and release years of strain.

Welcome to The Well of Life Center for Holistic Healthcare

The Well of Life Center for Holistic Healthcare was founded on the belief that the body has an incredible ability to heal itself. Through functional healing, the Well of Life Center educates you so that you understand what is going on within your body, what is causing it distress, and how you can put it back in balance naturally.

Unlike the traditional medical community, our Clinicians don’t treat symptoms with medication but, instead, find the underlying causes of each problem, from diabetes to cancer, weight gain to digestive issues, Lyme dis-ease to arthritis. By coming to the Well of Life Center, you will understand why your body responds in certain ways and learn how to truly heal it holistically.

Enter The Well of Life Center for Holistic Healthcare and feel the power of coming to a place that can help you help yourself

Holistic Healthcare Services

Our Services

Nutrition, Spa, Prenatal, Women’s Health, Chiropractic care, and more
Well of Life Center New Clients

New Clients

Considering becoming a client of The Well of Life? Here you can find info on how to make an appointment along FAQs
Well of Life Center for Holistic Health, Doylestown, PA

Hours and Locations

Hours, contact information and directions to The Well of Life Center
Well of Life Center Holistic Store


Products sourced from the highest quality, non-toxic ingredients

Wellness Blog

How to Eat Healthy at College

How to Eat Healthy at College

by Associate Clinician Kate Amato I remember the feeling of touring colleges, looking for all the pros and cons of campus life. What were the classrooms like? Do I like the dorm rooms? Are there fun activity/hang out areas? Sadly, I never thought to really hone in on...

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Getting to the Root of Chronic Pain

Getting to the Root of Chronic Pain

by Dr. Vladimir Alhov, MD Chronic pain is one of the most common problems in the medical practice. Pain affects more people in the U.S. than diabetes, heart disease, and cancer combined. More than 50 million people in the USA suffer from chronic pain conditions. The...

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How to Eat Healthy on the Go!

How to Eat Healthy on the Go!

by Associate Clinician Kate McNerney Life can be crazy! We all have those days, or even those weeks, where we feel like prepping, planning, and pre-thinking our meals is near to impossible. Many of my clients will come in and ask the same question: “Where can I go and...

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Want to learn more about what we do?

Watch this short introduction video to learn more about our services and how we can help you live a healthier, happier life!
Well of Life Center for Holistic Healthcare Welcome Video

“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” Proverbs 4:23

“Out of the mouth of the righteous man shall flow a wellspring of life.” Proverbs 10:11

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