Splankna Therapy
Break through to a better life
Splankna can help
Have you tried counseling, doctors, or even medication to deal with emotional issues – but nothing has helped? Maybe it’s time to try something different.
When methods like counseling and deliverance let you down, you can find new levels of freedom, strength, and connection with God through Splankna Therapy. Splankna is a highly effective way to achieve relief from a wide range of emotional symptoms.

Break through to a better life
Splankna can help
Have you tried counseling, doctors, or even medication to deal with emotional issues – but nothing has helped? Maybe it’s time to try something different.
When methods like counseling and deliverance let you down, you can find new levels of freedom, strength, and connection with God through Splankna Therapy. Splankna is a highly effective way to achieve relief from a wide range of emotional symptoms.

Splankna brings together the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of an issue all at once.
A “whole person” approach can facilitate change at a deep level
Splankna works through a combination of body, soul, and spirit all working together in harmony. Traditional methods can fall short since they tend to only focus on the physical human. But when you address the root of a problem from all three angles at once, remarkable change can occur.
Splankna brings together the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of an issue all at once.
A “whole person” approach can facilitate change at a deep level
Splankna works through a combination of body, soul, and spirit all working together in harmony. Traditional methods can fall short since they tend to only focus on the physical human. But when you address the root of a problem from all three angles at once, remarkable change can occur.
How does
Splankna Therapy work?
Getting to the Root of the Issue
Our bodies store emotions as frequencies. Every experience we have is stored in the body at a certain frequency level, like a recorder. Emotional symptoms stem from traumatic moments in our lives and the memories and emotions that remain stored. Situations in our daily lives can trigger old emotional trauma, and we then tend to overreact.
The body is able to release these emotional frequencies through muscle response testing. Splankna addresses these frequencies, releasing them one by one to resolve the emotional symptoms they cause.
How does
Splankna Therapy work?
Our bodies store emotions as frequencies. Every experience we have is stored in the body at a certain frequency level, like a recorder. Emotional symptoms stem from traumatic moments in our lives and the memories and emotions that remain stored. Situations in our daily lives can trigger old emotional trauma, and we then tend to overreact.
The body is able to release these emotional frequencies through muscle response testing. Splankna addresses these frequencies, releasing them one by one to resolve the emotional symptoms they cause.
Begin the Transformation
You can achieve change, even if past efforts haven’t been successful! In psychology and even through ministries, we are used to hearing about motivation-based change. We must rely on our strength and willpower to progress in change and to heal.
But when a deep-seated issue is finally resolved at its root level, you don’t have “will-power” your way through life, because the return of your symptoms is no longer a threat. That’s good news, because managing emotional triggers can be exhausting!
Instead, Splankna offers a way to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit right into the places where the body is holding the emotional frequencies from your trauma memories and release them at the source.
Achieve Empowerment
No one asks to struggle with depression, anxiety, addiction, or fear. We all want to be able to easily move past the struggles of life and focus on what’s really important. Splankna can help you unload your emotional baggage once and for all and feel more empowered to make a positive change in the world around us.
What can you expect from Splankna therapy? Real change, and the ability to engage your calling and live a more meaningful life.
Your Splankna Therapists
Cynthia Hofmann-Coale, FNTP, CNHP, ART
Owner and Critical Care Clinician
Certified Masters Splankna Practitioner
Cynthia Hofmann-Coale, founder of the Well of Life, is a Certified Masters Splankna Practitioner as well as a Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and an expert in Muscle Response Testing.
She is a living testament to the natural healing power of the body, having overcome ulcerative colitis and cancer through the founding principles of the Center. It is her belief that God has created the body with the ability to heal itself. That belief is the cornerstone of all services offered at the Well of Life Center.
Our Splankna Therapists received their training through the Splankna Training Institute.
Sharon Bleiler
Associate Clinician
Advanced Splankna Practitioner
“I’ve always known that I wanted to help people find healing in their lives. When I experienced Splankna and all the revelations and transformative changes that came from it, I knew it was something I wanted to be able to offer to people. Splankna is a gentle process that allows for the peeling away of layers of unresolved emotions that we carry with us and that often impede our walk through life.
The “weight” of these traumas can be responsible for stubborn physical complaints and can even impact our relationship with our Creator. I love that Splankna addresses the body, soul and spirit all at one time, truly helping you to heal from the inside out. It’s an amazing privilege to take part in the unburdening that occurs in each session. I believe what Splankna offers is beautifully aligned with Jesus’ mission to “heal the broken hearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, and set the prisoners free.”
Our Splankna Therapists received their training through the Splankna Training Institute.
Abby Thomas
Associate Clinician
Splankna Practitioner
Abby started working at The Well of Life in August of 2018 as a receptionist and clinician assistant. She was dealing with chronic symptoms of IBS and GERD — chronic diarrhea/constipation, vomiting from increasing food sensitivities, uncontrolled weight loss, and an overall lack of quality of life.
“I became a splankna practitioner after I was able to experience firsthand how beneficial this practice has been in my life to be able bring emotional, as well as physical healing. I became passionate about wanting to bring this tool to others after finding so much freedom through the power of forgiveness and emotional release. I realized how the trauma that we go through in life, big or small, has the ability to permeate every aspect of our being if it’s not released, and I would love to help as many people as I can to be able to find that healing and freedom as well. “
Our Splankna Therapists received their training through the Splankna Training Institute.
Nicole Broderick
Associate Clinician
Splankna Practitioner
Nicole started nutritional care in April 2019 for chronic fatigue, bloating, constipation, abdominal pain, and nausea. Within a few weeks her digestive issues cleared and she suddenly had a new burst of positive energy! Nicole started working at the Well of Life Center in September 2020.
“The reason that I love Splankna is because it gives up a new glimpse of hope. As we go through life, we continue to pick up sets of lenses to view our world through, based on past experiences. Although these lenses may be OUR truth, they often times are not THE truth. Sometimes we are aware of the patterns we carry with us, but we do not know how to get rid of them. Other times the patterns themselves are so deeply rooted within us, that it can be difficult to see.
Through Splankna Therapy, we are calling on the guidance of the Holy Spirit to reveal to us where we first picked up these patterns, and ultimately how to break the ones that no longer serve us, once and for all. Working with a Splankna therapist allows us to emerge more clear, less reactive, and free of bondage that has previously held us down.”
Our Splankna Therapists received their training through the Splankna Training Institute.
Your Splankna Therapists
Cynthia Hofmann-Coale, FNTP, CNHP, ART
Owner and Critical Care Clinician
Certified Masters Splankna Practitioner
Cynthia Hofmann-Coale, founder of the Well of Life, is a Certified Masters Splankna Practitioner as well as a Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and an expert in Muscle Response Testing.
She is a living testament to the natural healing power of the body, having overcome ulcerative colitis and cancer through the founding principles of the Center. It is her belief that God has created the body with the ability to heal itself. That belief is the cornerstone of all services offered at the Well of Life Center.
Our Splankna Therapists received their training through the Splankna Training Institute.
Sharon Bleiler
Associate Clinician
Advanced Splankna Practitioner
“I’ve always known that I wanted to help people find healing in their lives. When I experienced Splankna and all the revelations and transformative changes that came from it, I knew it was something I wanted to be able to offer to people. Splankna is a gentle process that allows for the peeling away of layers of unresolved emotions that we carry with us and that often impede our walk through life.
The “weight” of these traumas can be responsible for stubborn physical complaints and can even impact our relationship with our Creator. I love that Splankna addresses the body, soul and spirit all at one time, truly helping you to heal from the inside out. It’s an amazing privilege to take part in the unburdening that occurs in each session. I believe what Splankna offers is beautifully aligned with Jesus’ mission to “heal the broken hearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, and set the prisoners free.”
Our Splankna Therapists received their training through the Splankna Training Institute.
Abby Thomas
Associate Clinician
Splankna Practitioner
Abby started working at The Well of Life in August of 2018 as a receptionist and clinician assistant. She was dealing with chronic symptoms of IBS and GERD — chronic diarrhea/constipation, vomiting from increasing food sensitivities, uncontrolled weight loss, and an overall lack of quality of life.
“I became a splankna practitioner after I was able to experience firsthand how beneficial this practice has been in my life to be able bring emotional, as well as physical healing. I became passionate about wanting to bring this tool to others after finding so much freedom through the power of forgiveness and emotional release. I realized how the trauma that we go through in life, big or small, has the ability to permeate every aspect of our being if it’s not released, and I would love to help as many people as I can to be able to find that healing and freedom as well. “
Our Splankna Therapists received their training through the Splankna Training Institute.
Nicole Broderick
Associate Clinician
Level 1 Splankna Practitioner
Nicole started nutritional care in April 2019 for chronic fatigue, bloating, constipation, abdominal pain, and nausea. Within a few weeks her digestive issues cleared and she suddenly had a new burst of positive energy! Nicole started working at the Well of Life Center in September 2020.
“The reason that I love Splankna is because it gives up a new glimpse of hope. As we go through life, we continue to pick up sets of lenses to view our world through, based on past experiences. Although these lenses may be OUR truth, they often times are not THE truth. Sometimes we are aware of the patterns we carry with us, but we do not know how to get rid of them. Other times the patterns themselves are so deeply rooted within us, that it can be difficult to see.
Through Splankna Therapy, we are calling on the guidance of the Holy Spirit to reveal to us where we first picked up these patterns, and ultimately how to break the ones that no longer serve us, once and for all. Working with a Splankna therapist allows us to emerge more clear, less reactive, and free of bondage that has previously held us down.”
Our Splankna Therapists received their training through the Splankna Training Institute.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Splankna?
Splankna work has applications in prayer ministry, counseling, coaching, health and wellness and even evangelism. It offers a Biblically based, mind-body prayer protocol for promoting change. “Splankna” is New Testament Greek for “bowels” or “guts.” In first century poetry and literature, the term was used the way we use the word “subconscious” today… like a “gut sense,” or “deep knowing.” Splankna work taps into the “deep,” subconscious root of symptoms.
How does it work?
Splankna work combines body, soul, and spirit in concert to resolve emotional trauma. When all three elements of the person are working together, the change is deep and lasting. Splankna attends to the way our bodies store emotions like frequencies. A simple combination of “touch and thought” allows the body to release these stored emotions, thus attending to the body and soul. When the stored trauma emotions behind a symptom are relieved, Splankna helps the client understand and remove the destructive vows and lies associated with those traumas. Through Biblical elements of confession, repentance, and the authority of Jesus, we “break agreement” with symptoms on the ground level and things change. Body, Soul, and Spirit.
What kind of responses do people have?
We all know what it’s like to feel stuck. So often our willpower is insufficient to overcome destructive emotional patterns. Splankna is a way to get straight to the root cause of these emotional patterns and unlock them at the frequency level. The conscious mind doesn’t choose symptoms. Something deeper does. In Romans 7, the Apostle Paul describes how “the very thing I want to do, I don’t do. And the very thing I don’t want to do, is the thing I do!” His language for these two opposing seats of the will is, “the spirit man” and “the flesh.” Splankna is a way to bring the body and soul into agreement with what the Spirit man is choosing… life. Life in all its forms… strength, joy, freedom. At The Well of Life Center, we are accustomed to seeing God do really beautiful things. People report new levels of emotional freedom, greater wellness, new depths in their relationship with God, and greater empowerment to step into calling. It’s a daily privilege for Splankna Practitioners to be a part of this unique and powerful work.
Why do you use the term "energy?"
At the sub-atomic level of creation (the super small), everything is in motion. All the sub-atomic particles that make up everything are buzzing. “Energy” is the word physicists use to describe the unknown cause of that movement. The study of the energetic level of creation is called sub-atomic, quantum, or theoretical physics. It is sometimes distorted and thought of in new age terms, but if creation contains this energetic level, then God made it for his good purposes. This theoretical energy/frequency level explores how thoughts have substance and impact. It is important to remember that while God sustains all things, even at the energetic level, he could never be defined as “energy” any more than he could be called “an atom.” With that understood, the energetic level of creation provides a wonderful platform for promoting growth and change.
What is Muscle Testing?
Muscle testing is based on the theory that any major muscle will respond to electrical shifts that go off in the body. All thoughts have a frequency on the sub-atomic level. So when I ask a question, the frequency of my meaning passes between us and it hits your body as a “match” or “mismatch.” When your body responds with congruence to an idea, it shifts your electrical system and that shift shows up in the muscle. For instance, if I asked whether the root emotion around a particular trauma is “anger,” if your own subconscious database is congruent with that idea (frequency), the muscle will respond as well (weak vs. strong). Because the body naturally responds to ideas this way, a muscle test can be used as a simple yes/no tool. Muscle testing is not a perfect tool, but still a useful one as long as it is covered by the authority of Jesus and led by the Holy Spirit.
Is it like EMDR?
It is similar, yes. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) utilizes bi-lateral brain stimulation to help loosen “stuck” emotional processes in the brain. Splankna does incorporate bi-lateral brain stimulation, similar to EMDR, and it goes even further. It also utilizes “direct access” emotional release at acupuncture points and algorithms adapted from TFT (Thought Field Therapy, or EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique). But the most important differentiator of Splankna work is the dependence on the lead of the Holy Spirit and the power of prayer to “break agreement” with destructive emotional patterns.
Is it like Reiki?
Reiki is a treatment that uses the acupuncture/energy system to help resolve symptoms (typically physical). The practitioner learns to feel the body’s energy/frequencies with the hands and move them above the body, helping “stuck” areas flow properly again (similar to what acupuncture needles are doing). However, the practice of Reiki commonly utilizes spirit guides, symbols, remote work, and “attunement” initiations in order to manipulate a person’s energy. Sometimes these practices can, (knowingly or unknowingly) be done under the enemy’s direction rather than God’s. It is possible to do Reiki work within God’s design and leadership but unfortunately, most practitioners are not. Splankna does not incorporate elements from Reiki.
Who developed Splankna?
The Splankna protocol was developed by Sarah Thiessen. She is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and a Licensed Professional Counselor. She earned both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Abilene Christian University in Texas. Her background is in the Church of Christ. She authored the apologetic on this topic: “Splankna; The Redemption of Energy Healing for the Kingdom of God ” and co-authored “UpperDogs; Exploring Christianity on the Offense” with Heather Hughes, Splankna’s Executive Director. Splankna has been in development since 1998.
Can this be done with non-Christians?
Yes. Different forms of mind-body work and prayer are done with non-Christians all over the world. That said, Splankna is unique in that it is deeply rooted in prayer and the lead of the Holy Spirit. During training, we discuss the different issues that arise in working with non-Christians.