Well of Life Center for Holistic Healthcare

Holistic Health Blog

Why do Kids Struggle in School?

Why do Kids Struggle in School?

If a child finds school easy, they will just jump in and do the work. Yet how many kids struggle in school? How many kids hate school? Why do they struggle?

Healthy Snacking Means Cleaning Out the Temptations

Healthy Snacking Means Cleaning Out the Temptations

So, let’s admit it guys, though we try to practice healthy snacking we all are guilty of having some unhealthy foods hanging around in our pantry. Healthy snacking starts with avoiding the bad snacks and creating healthy snacking habits.

Avoiding Foods with Unhealthy Additives

Avoiding Foods with Unhealthy Additives

Do you really know what is in the food you are eating? Have you checked the ingredients of those “healthy snacks” you just bought at the grocery store? There’s a good chance that many of the foods in your kitchen could include harmful additives.

Should You Worry About Safe Water for Cooking?

Should You Worry About Safe Water for Cooking?

Not all water is created equal! Sourcing safe water for cooking is incredibly important when striving for optimal health. Before boiling, steaming, or adding water to your foods, be sure you are taking into consideration the possible contaminants that could be in your water.

Make Sure Your Healthy Food Becomes Healthy Leftovers

Make Sure Your Healthy Food Becomes Healthy Leftovers

Are your food storage practices hurting your healthy food? We all know healthy eating is a big part of a healthy lifestyle. What you put in your body can make a big difference on how you feel as well as your overall health. So why would you want to store that delicious and healthy food you lovingly prepared in containers that may leach harmful substances into them? Here are some tips on how to safely store your food.

Safe Cooking Oil

Safe Cooking Oil

Have you ever been in the grocery store aisle, staring at a variety of different cooking oil, wondering which oils are healthiest, or which are better to cook, bake, roast, or sauté with? With so many different options available today, it is difficult to know which ones are best. Here are some recommendations to help narrow down which ones may be best for you.

Safe Cookware

Safe Cookware

When it comes to making delicious and healthy food, the tools are just as important as the ingredients. And just as important as the quality is the safety of your cookware. A toxic pan can quickly destroy the nutritional value of your food by leaching in dangerous chemicals and heavy metals.

How Do We Use Essential Oils at The Well of Life Center?

How Do We Use Essential Oils at The Well of Life Center?

We really love and enjoy using essential oils at the Well for many different purposes. But there are several reasons to see a Well of Life clinician before using essential oils to ensure you are using a quality product that is safe for you and your home.

Why use Homeopathic Products?

Why use Homeopathic Products?

Are you interested in homeopathic products but not sure where to start? Choosing the best nutrition for your body can be overwhelming. Let us help you! At The Well of Life Center, we use nutrient-dense whole-food, herbal, and homeopathic nutrition, as well as...

Why use Whole Food Supplements?

Why use Whole Food Supplements?

Whole food supplements so that you are consuming easily absorbed and usable nutrition that will build up your body, not break it down.

Healthy Holiday Dessert Recipes

Healthy Holiday Dessert Recipes

The holidays bring some unhealthy eating habits, especially when it comes to dessert. So we are sharing some healthy holiday dessert recipes that are sure to please without the guilt of unhealthy eating.

Healthy Holiday Eating When Your Family & Friends Aren’t Healthy Eaters

Healthy Holiday Eating When Your Family & Friends Aren’t Healthy Eaters

‘Tis the season for gathering with friends and families around meals and recipes that have been passed through your family’s generations. Holidays are most enjoyable when you are at your best, with health and energy to carry you through the hustle and bustle of hosting, shopping, and celebrating! So how can you enjoy healthy holiday eating when being a guest?

Holiday Dinner Recipes

Holiday Dinner Recipes

‘Tis the season for gathering with friends and families around meals and recipes that have been passed through your family’s generations. Holidays are most enjoyable when you are at your best, with health and energy to carry you through the hustle and bustle of...

Healthy Hosting Tips

Healthy Hosting Tips

‘Tis the season for gathering with friends and families around meals and recipes that have been passed through your family’s generations. Holidays are most enjoyable when you are at your best, with health and energy to carry you through the hustle and bustle of...

Are You Using Your Salt Lamp Correctly?

Are You Using Your Salt Lamp Correctly?

Himalayan salt lamps give off a warm, relaxing glow and can be a beautiful addition to any room in your home or even at your office. But beyond the visual appeal of these lamps they also hold many powerful health benefits. But in order to fully experience the benefits...

Keeping a Healthy Home with Seasonal Cleaning

Keeping a Healthy Home with Seasonal Cleaning

A healthy home is an important element of a healthy lifestyle. Who didn't grow up with the old Spring Cleaning ritual? Spring is a great time to super clean your house and get rid of all the dust and allergens that build up over the winter months. Especially those...

Blow Out the Toxic Candles!

Blow Out the Toxic Candles!

Burning scented candles in your home is something many people find enjoyable and comforting. Most of us enjoy the smell of pumpkin, baked apples, cinnamon, and maybe even some vanilla or floral scents to brighten up your home. Unfortunately, this seemingly harmless practice can actually be endangering your health, as well as affecting the air quality of your entire home.

Air Purifying House Plants

Air Purifying House Plants

When it comes to choosing indoor greenery, these air purifying house plants do more than just look nice! Indoor plants can add beauty to your home as well as help reduce stress. But one of the greatest benefits of having house plants is their incredible ability to...

Turn on Salt Lamps

Turn on Salt Lamps

Do you ever wonder why you feel so good by the ocean? Besides the feelings of relaxation and vacation, negative ions are being released into the air constantly at the shore. These ions are cleaning and purifying the air around you, causing you to feel better and even...

Plan Time for Self Care

Plan Time for Self Care

Why is Self Care So Important? We all know how important a healthy diet is to help protect your health and well-being. Another way to be sure we are “falling into health” is to make sure that we are taking care of ourselves in other ways and not always focusing on...

Plan to Engage Socially

Plan to Engage Socially

A common way that health can backslide over the cooler months is by a lack of social engagement. As the weather changes, it can be tempting to stay in and choose a solidary activity (such as “Netflix and chill”). However, we have to be careful that this does not...

Plan to Stay Well

Plan to Stay Well

One of the best ways to be sure you stay on your healthy trajectory this fall is to make sure you schedule appointments with your clinician! Now that it is fall, and the kids are back to school, and the weather will begin getting colder, we need to remember to make...

Plan to Move

Plan to Move

Our bodies need to move! A sedentary lifestyle is not ever healthy, and it can often become the norm over the cooler months. Exercising in any form is beneficial. It is good for your heart, gets needed oxygen to organs, helps with sleep, strengthens bones and muscles,...

Plan to Eat Well

Plan to Eat Well

Follow along with our monthly theme: “Fall into Health.” As autumn approaches, it is beneficial to look ahead and make a plan NOW to succeed in this next season! While it may be tempting to lean into comfort foods, pumpkin spice lattes, and staying cozy at home, our...

Benefits of Detoxing Outdoors

Benefits of Detoxing Outdoors

We are wrapping up our month of Summer Lovin’, when we focused on the many health benefits of summertime. In summary, it is SO important to get outdoors as much as we can to help our bodies to detox from many negative stressors. Most of us spend a lot of our time...

Benefits of Grounding

Benefits of Grounding

When your bare feet or any other skin on your body comes in direct contact with the earth, we call this “grounding.” So, what are the benefits?

Benefits of Fresh Air

Benefits of Fresh Air

There's nothing better than the smell of fresh summer air! The benefits of fresh air are amazing for your health. That's why this month we are highlighting great ways to improve your health over the summertime! And the benefits of fresh air cannot be stressed enough!...

Benefits of Sunlight

Benefits of Sunlight

Are you getting regular exposure to natural sunlight? Yes, too much sun can be harmful but there are also powerful benefits.

Office delay in opening Monday April 2nd

Our Doylestown office will be opening at 11 am on Monday April 2nd due to the impending storm. We will make any further changes by 10 am.  Please call the office at 215.340.3930 to hear any further updates.

Why Your Condom May Not Be So “Protective” After All

Why Your Condom May Not Be So “Protective” After All

If you’re a client at the Well of Life, you may have spoken to one of our clinicians about birth control. Birth control options and methods are something we keep on our radar as clinicians. Our Senior Clinician Victoria Fisher wrote a wonderful blog a few...

Is There a Deodorant that is Safe and Effective?

Is There a Deodorant that is Safe and Effective?

In a recent blog post, we wrote about some of the dangers of antiperspirants and deodorants. Who else felt an inner cringe when it was first suggested they should switch to a natural antiperspirant or deodorant? There are GREAT natural deodorants out there – and we have probably spent hundreds of dollars trying to find them! Here are a few which we have tried, tested, and love!

Fermented Foods and Beverages

Fermented Foods and Beverages

Fermented foods have been a part of traditional food preparation since before recorded human history. Greeks, Romans, ancient Chinese, Japanese, and African cultures have all written about the many benefits of fermented foods.

Is Deodorant Bad for You?

Is Deodorant Bad for You?

Are you concerned that your deodorant or antiperspirant may be bad for you health? You may be right! But not all deodorants are bad for your health. Learn why deodorant is bad for you body and how to choose a safer alternative.

Body Piercing: Learn the Risks and How to Avoid Them

Body Piercing: Learn the Risks and How to Avoid Them

by Associate Clinician Christa Haines Body piercing is a popular practice of men and women today, and ears aren’t the only areas getting pierced. Popular for style, cultural norms, religious motives, and other reasons, piercings are often performed on individuals who...

Immune-Boosting Foods

Immune-Boosting Foods

by Associate Clinician Kate Amato Cold and flu season is upon us, and this year clients have been exposed to MANY strains of illness. One of the questions I have been asked frequently is, “What can I do to boost my immune system?” This is a great question, and the...

You Can Beat Chronic Pain!

You Can Beat Chronic Pain!

by Senior Clinician Victoria Fisher Do you suffer from the debilitating effects of chronic pain? You are not alone! Pain affects 100 million Americans, and is currently the most common reason people utilize health care. Unfortunately, modern medicine’s approach to...

How to Decipher Food Labels

How to Decipher Food Labels

by Senior Clinician Victoria Fisher When I was a new client, changing to the Well of Life way of eating was a daunting task. I vividly remember spending three hours every time I went to the grocery store scouring the aisles, reading food labels, and trying to figure...

Are You Always Cold?

Are You Always Cold?

by Senior Clinician Victoria Fisher As a clinician, one of the most common symptoms I hear about among clients is that they are always cold. For some people, being cold is just a nuisance, while for others, it’s almost unbearable. There are numerous reasons why people...

Want to Look 10 Years Younger?

Want to Look 10 Years Younger?

Let’s face it: we are all aging, no matter what stage of life we are in. We might not feel it so much in our twenties and thirties. However, aging is inevitable. Although we can’t stop the clock, we can do something about it! I’m not talking Botox or plastic surgery...

Tap Your Way to Healing!

Tap Your Way to Healing!

Did you ever think that, instead of taking an Ibuprofen for a headache, you could actually tap it out instead? The modality of tapping has been practiced for many years. Tapping sends a vibrational message to specific organs and organ systems to encourage and...

Is Paleo the Way to Go?

Is Paleo the Way to Go?

by Associate Clinician Christa Haines Many people ask me what the Paleo diet is all about. For the most part, it is a great way to eat! It is often referred to as the “caveman diet,” or “hunter-gatherer” diet, as it focuses on eating the way our ancestors did. There...

Who is Monsanto: Part 3

Who is Monsanto: Part 3

A Comprehensive Look at the Past, Present, & Future of Monsanto Part 3: The Future by Senior Clinician Victoria Fisher Over the past 100 years, Monsanto has grown into the world leader in bio-agriculture. The company now has great influence in the American...

How to Prevent Your Expensive Produce From Going Bad

How to Prevent Your Expensive Produce From Going Bad

by Associate Clinician Alicia Leonhardt In a past blog post, I wrote about how to know which produce to buy organic versus conventional. Knowing what produce to buy is the first step, but what happens when you stock your kitchen with healthy fruits and veggies, only...

Preventing Sports Injuries

Preventing Sports Injuries

Being injured is an athlete’s worst nightmare. Having to sit on the sidelines as a spectator is almost as agonizing as the injury itself! Sadly, more and more young athletes experience frequent, chronic, or career-ending injuries. Here are some ways to help you or the athlete in your life prevent injuries and maximize their athletic potential.

Know the Risks Associated with Tattoos!

Know the Risks Associated with Tattoos!

by Associate Clinician Felicia Pasquale Did you know that four out of every ten people born after 1980 have a tattoo? Tattoos come in all shapes and sizes, can be put almost anywhere, and are all the rage these days. However, how much do we know about how it is...

Dirty Dozen vs. Clean 15

Dirty Dozen vs. Clean 15

by Associate Clinician Alicia Leonhardt Have you ever found yourself in the grocery store or farmers market wondering which produce items to buy organic and which ones are safe to purchase as conventional (non-organic)? What are the differences between the two anyway?...

Who is Monsanto: Part 2

Who is Monsanto: Part 2

A Comprehensive Look at the Past, Present & Future of Monsanto Part 2: Present by Senior Clinician Victoria Fisher Monsanto has come a long way from the floundering start-up company it once was. Today, Monsanto is the world’s leading manufacturer of GM seeds, and...

What on Earth is Grounding and Why Should I Do It?

What on Earth is Grounding and Why Should I Do It?

by Associate Clinician Felicia Pasquale Picture this. It’s the first warm, sunny spring day. You are lying in the blissful sun for a few delectable minutes when suddenly, you feel a warm cozy feeling permeate your body. This is exactly what you will feel when your...

Ketogenic Diet: Friend or Foe?

Ketogenic Diet: Friend or Foe?

by Associate Clinician Felicia Pasquale Want to lose weight, feel more energy than you have ever felt before, and clean up your brain fog? Consider a ketogenic diet. The ketogenic diet focuses on burning fat, providing your body with a steady source of energy, and...

How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

When trying to figure out how to eat healthy on a budget, it’s important to consider where sacrifices can be made to save money. Learning how to eat healthy on a budget can be a bit challenging at first, but once you break those old bad eating habits and find ways to save money along the way, your wallet AND your body with thank you!

Who is Monsanto: Part 1

Who is Monsanto: Part 1

A Comprehensive Look at the Past, Present & Future of Monsanto Part 1: Past by Senior Clinician Victoria Fisher Over the last 20 years, American agriculture has been taken over and practically monopolized by the “big bad wolf” of the biotech industry: Monsanto....

Condiments: Friend or Foe?

Condiments: Friend or Foe?

by Associate Clinician Kate Amato We are a culture of flavors! We like our ketchup, mustard, mayo, hot sauce, and dressings…anything to flavor up our meals. The real questions is, are they good for us? Sadly, the majority of popular branded condiments are full of...

Replace the Sugar in Your Favorite Recipes with These Sweet Ideas!

Replace the Sugar in Your Favorite Recipes with These Sweet Ideas!

by Associate Clinician Christa Haines Sugar is in just about everything! It is as addictive to the brain as cocaine. Food manufacturers count on it - that is why you even find it in store-bought soup. Unfortunately, it is extremely inflammatory to the body, along with...

Why Working Out Could Be Hurting You

Why Working Out Could Be Hurting You

By Associate Clinician Felicia Pasquale One of the first decisions new clients make when they start with the Well of Life’s nutritional program is that they are also going to start P90X the next day! No, seriously, they don’t do that. However, I do know that when...

How to Eat Healthy at College

How to Eat Healthy at College

by Associate Clinician Kate Amato I remember the feeling of touring colleges, looking for all the pros and cons of campus life. What were the classrooms like? Do I like the dorm rooms? Are there fun activity/hang out areas? Sadly, I never thought to really hone in on...

Getting to the Root of Chronic Pain

Getting to the Root of Chronic Pain

by Dr. Vladimir Alhov, MD Chronic pain is one of the most common problems in the medical practice. Pain affects more people in the U.S. than diabetes, heart disease, and cancer combined. More than 50 million people in the USA suffer from chronic pain conditions. The...

How to Eat Healthy on the Go!

How to Eat Healthy on the Go!

by Associate Clinician Kate McNerney Life can be crazy! We all have those days, or even those weeks, where we feel like prepping, planning, and pre-thinking our meals is near to impossible. Many of my clients will come in and ask the same question: “Where can I go and...

How to Live the Well of Life Way on a Budget

How to Live the Well of Life Way on a Budget

by Associate Clinician Felicia Pasquale In today’s world, many people are seeking holistic options to improve their health. These alternative methods are typically not covered by any type of insurance. Some people simply rationalize that if their medical insurance...

Start Your Morning Off Right with Easy Breakfasts

Start Your Morning Off Right with Easy Breakfasts

by Associate Clinician Kate McNerney Breakfast is the most important meal of the day…or so we have been told from the time we were young. You may remember being a child and your parents giving you eggs, cereal, or even pop tarts as they were reiterating, “You have to...

How Much Does It Cost to be Healthy?

How Much Does It Cost to be Healthy?

by Regional Manager Rebecca Wilwert Possibly the number one reason why people hesitate to pursue a healthy lifestyle is the COST. Every person makes countless decisions each day that will impact their health, some conscious and some unconscious, but cost factors in to...

What Does a Clinician’s Fridge Look Like Inside?

What Does a Clinician’s Fridge Look Like Inside?

by Associate Clinician Alicia Leonhardt Sometimes clients ask what we clinicians really eat... Well, I am going to get very real with you all today and show you a photo of the inside of my refrigerator! This is not a fancy picture for you all; it is what I saw when I...

Pumpkins: A Harvest of Nutrients

Pumpkins: A Harvest of Nutrients

by Associate Clinician Christa Haines This time of year, pumpkins and other squash are at their peak. There are so many varieties to choose from and so many uses for them that can benefit our bodies. They are more than just decorations for the fall season! Did you...

You Should Be a Locavore!

You Should Be a Locavore!

by Associate Clinician Victoria Fisher What is a Locavore? You’ve heard of carnivores and herbivores, but what is a LOCAVORE???? Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a locavore as “a person who eats foods grown locally whenever possible.” The term was coined in 2005 by...

Are Your Friends & Family Questioning Your Holistic Lifestyle?

Are Your Friends & Family Questioning Your Holistic Lifestyle?

by Associate Clinician Felicia Pasquale One of the biggest obstacles new clients face is gaining acceptance from their friends and family about their decision to take a natural approach to heal their body through supplements and other alternative modalities. Using...

School Lunches Can Be Healthy AND Enjoyable!

School Lunches Can Be Healthy AND Enjoyable!

by Associate Clinician Christa Haines Packing a healthy lunch for your child is one thing; to have them eat it is another! There are ways to make healthy lunches exciting and delicious for your kids. If your child helps you pick things out at the store, they are more...

Which Birth Control Method is Right for You?

Which Birth Control Method is Right for You?

by Associate Clinician Victoria FisherFor thousands of years, men and women have gone to great lengths to prevent pregnancy. Condoms were developed around 3000 BC, spermicides were used as early as 1500 BC, and diaphragms were invented in the 1830s. But it wasn’t...

How to Eat Like a Well of Life Clinician

How to Eat Like a Well of Life Clinician

by Associate Clinician Christa Haines We often have clients ask us Clinicians what we eat, and what an example menu looks like in a day. First, let me start by saying I really enjoy food! I cannot eat the same thing over and over again. I like to have fun and be...

What is Small and Mighty at the Same Time?

What is Small and Mighty at the Same Time?

by Associate Clinician Alicia Leonhardt Chia seeds are one of the hottest superfoods these days. Did you know that chia seeds come from the flowering plant Salvia Hispanica, which is related to the mint plant, and native to South America? The Mayan and Aztec cultures...

Stop Sickness and Disease Before They Find You!

Stop Sickness and Disease Before They Find You!

by Associate Clinician Felicia PasqualeThe immune system is our first line of defense to protect us from getting sick. Our bodies are equipped with specific immune organs that work together to capture, destroy, and eliminate pathogens. When our immune systems are...

What’s The Big Deal With pH?

What’s The Big Deal With pH?

by Associate Clinician Victoria Fisher Some basic facts pH is a measure of hydrogen ion concentration. An acid is a substance that can donate hydrogen ions, while a base is a substance that accepts hydrogen ions. pH scales range from 0 (pure acid) to 14 (pure base). A...

Making Water More Exciting to Drink

Making Water More Exciting to Drink

by Associate Clinician Christa Haines Water is the most important nutrient in the body. It makes up 55-60% of our total body mass. Some of the roles of water are: transportation of nutrients, cushioning of bones and joints, removal of waste, flushing of toxins, and...

How Can I Dine Out and Not Compromise My Health?

How Can I Dine Out and Not Compromise My Health?

Eating healthy and staying healthy definitely involves making changes to our diet and lifestyle. However, to make it a lifelong change, these changes or tweaks need to be adapted into our everyday life so that we can go to meetings, social events, and vacations, and...

Coconut Water – They Aren’t All the Same

Coconut Water – They Aren’t All the Same

by Associate Clinician Kate McNerney It seems like every time you walk through the water aisle or a health food store, there are new coconut waters popping up. They come in cans, boxes, plastic bottles, glasses bottles. They are flavored with pineapple, mango, and...

4th of July Black Bean Brownies

4th of July Black Bean Brownies

by Associate Clinician Kate McNerney The 4th of July is coming quickly upon us…and invitations to picnics and social events are coming along with it. Picnics are wonderful. It’s so exciting when the invitations come...and then you see the note at the bottom that says...

Soaked Baked Oatmeal

Soaked Baked Oatmeal

by Associate Clinician Alicia Leonhardt Soaked baked oatmeal is a staple in our home for our busy weekday mornings. If you make it up ahead of time, you can just place it right in the oven the morning you would like to eat it. It does take a little bit of planning...

Fun in the Sun!

Fun in the Sun!

It’s finally that time of year – pool days, outside play, beach days… Along with these fun activities is the concern to protect your skin from the sun. Before discussing ways to protect yourself from too much sun, remember that it is healthy to allow your body to get some sun.

Picnic Your Heart Out!

Picnic Your Heart Out!

by Associate Clinician Christa Haines It’s picnic season again! Whether it is a graduation picnic, 4th of July, or another outside celebration, you probably have an event coming up that requires you to bring a dish. Unless you are asked to bring a certain food, it’s...

Going Coconuts for Coconut Oil

Going Coconuts for Coconut Oil

Many of our new clients who are not familiar with coconut oil ask, “What do I do with it?” There are many great uses for coconut oil, not the least of which is cooking with it. Coconut oil definitely has great health benefits when ingested, but it has many other uses as well.

GMO Salmon May Be Coming To Your Local Supermarket!

GMO Salmon May Be Coming To Your Local Supermarket!

by Associate Clinician Christa Haines Genetically modified salmon was recently approved by the FDA. It is the first genetically altered animal to be cleared in America. AquAdvantage Salmon is made by AquaBounty Technologies. They have been trying to have it approved...

What Is Anterior Head Carriage, and Do I Have It?

What Is Anterior Head Carriage, and Do I Have It?

by Dr. Jon Gindhart, DC Anterior Head Carriage (AHC) is the term used to describe the forward position of the head on the neck. You can see this by looking at someone from the side to see if their ear is forward of their shoulder (this may even be you!). The more...

Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has many uses, from operating as a cleaning product, to making your skin beautiful, to helping your body digest foods properly. When purchasing, you want to look for a raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the mother in it, such as Bragg’s Apple...

Need More Sleep?

Need More Sleep?

Many people suffer not just from lack of sleep, but also lack of quality sleep. It is important for the body to go into REM sleep, which is a deep restorative, healing sleep. We need at least 6 uninterrupted hours of sleep for organ healing. When we sleep, our body...

Bone Broth: Go for the Gold!

Bone Broth: Go for the Gold!

by Associate Clinician Felicia Pasquale Do you want to go for the gold? Do you want to feel fantastic and give your body what it really needs? Then try indulging in a warm cup of bone broth. It’s liquid gold. Bone broth is rich in protein, minerals, collagen, and...

Your Belly and Low Back Pain

Your Belly and Low Back Pain

by Dr. Jon Gindhart, DC One thing I tend to see a fair amount is that people with excessive belly fat tend to have low back pain as well. This is not always the case, and 'skinny' people have low back pain too. However, when a client loses the extra weight, they...

The Scoop on Vitamin D

The Scoop on Vitamin D

by Associate Clinician Felicia Pasquale I frequently have new clients tell me they just got their blood test results back from their doctor and their vitamin D levels are low, even though they have been taking a vitamin D supplement for months, or even years. There is...

Allergies Are For The Birds

Allergies Are For The Birds

by Associate Clinician Felicia Pasquale Just about this time of year, my newer clients will tell me their allergies are starting to flare up. What are allergies really? Should our bodies really be allergic to pollen, ragweed, and mold? Aren’t those things found in...

Chocolate’s Good Side

Chocolate’s Good Side

by Associate Clinician Victoria Fisher Chocolate is the most popular candy in the world, but much of it is loaded with high fructose corn syrup, artificial dyes and flavors, and GMO ingredients. Do not despair, though! You can still enjoy this decadent pleasure...

Easter’s On Its Way!

Easter’s On Its Way!

Spring is here! Which means Easter is right around the corner...another high-sugar holiday whose negative affects last beyond the actual day itself. An Easter basket is often filled with 90% candy. Then there are the Easter eggs, which are also mostly candy. This...

What Eggs Should I Buy?

What Eggs Should I Buy?

by Associate Clinician Victoria Fisher Cage free, free range, organic…what do they all mean? How do I know what eggs are best? Do I really need to spend more money on eggs? All those labels can get confusing, and it can be difficult to know what to buy for your...

Seasonal Affective Disorder and Acupuncture

Seasonal Affective Disorder and Acupuncture

by Acupuncturist Emily Urie Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a type of depression that is related to the changes in the seasons. Symptoms usually start in the fall and continue into winter. The symptoms that are usually associated with fall/winter SAD can be......

Why Is Wheat Bad For Me?

Why Is Wheat Bad For Me?

by Associate Clinician Felicia Pasquale Wheat had been around for thousands of years. Wheat is referred to as the "staff of life" in the Bible. Eziekel 4:9 says, "Take wheat and barley, beans and lentils, millet and spelt; put them in a storage jar and use them to...

Want to Lose Weight?

Want to Lose Weight?

by Associate Clinician Felicia Pasquale I would say one of the number one goals many clients have when coming to the Well of Life Center is to lose weight. What they don’t realize is that you can’t force the body to lose weight and keep it off if it’s not in a good...

Surviving the Snow Without an Injured Back

Surviving the Snow Without an Injured Back

by Chiropractor Dr. Jon Gindhart So it was bound to happen eventually…the first big storm of the season.  With large amounts of snow predicted, I thought I would share some tips on how to shovel so you won't hurt your back.  The best way to not hurt your back is to...

Vaccines: Learn the Facts, Know Your Rights

Vaccines: Learn the Facts, Know Your Rights

Since the Disney measles “outbreak,” there has been quite a bit of controversy and heated debate about vaccines, their alleged safety, and your rights vs. protecting the “greater good.” Whether you’re pro-vax, anti-vax, or somewhere in between, there are some things...

Protect Yourself Against EMFs

Protect Yourself Against EMFs

by Ottsville and Doylestown Facilities Manager Kim Cromptom We certainly live in an electronic- and technology-filled world, don't we? I confess, there may have been a moment or two in my life where I have found myself working on my laptop, playing music on my iPad,...

Protect Yourself This Cold and Flu Season!

Protect Yourself This Cold and Flu Season!

by Associate Clinician Victoria Fisher   'Tis the season...the cold and flu season.  If you or your family is suffering from cold or flu symptoms, please do not hesitate to come in for a visit!  You don't need to worry about "contaminating" our office - we have...

The Countdown is Here!

The Countdown is Here!

The countdown to Christmas is on, and the world is gearing up to celebrate the birth of our Savior. Through this season, we will have many family, friend, and work gatherings, experience lots of cooking and baking swaps, attend Christmas plays, and, of course,...

No Pain, No Gain?

No Pain, No Gain?

by Lisa Hendricks, LMT, CMLDT I'm sure you have heard the saying, "No pain, no gain." Well, this is not necessarily the case when it comes to massage. The truth is, every person is different. Some people are more sensitive to pressure than others, and there is such a...

Is Your Smartphone Giving You Wrinkles?

Is Your Smartphone Giving You Wrinkles?

by Dr. Jon Gindhart I recently came across an article that referenced a study commissioned by Yves St. Laurent, a cosmetics company, that stated that prolonged smartphone use can cause wrinkles.  I know what you're thinking...of course a cosmetics company funded this...

Training to Heal – Yoga for Pain Management

Training to Heal – Yoga for Pain Management

by Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor Lisa Hockel After nine years of sports, I tore my posterior cruciate in my knee at age 17. It was unable to be repaired, and without proper guidance, my body began to compensate by over-developing some muscles and creating...

A Sticky Situation

A Sticky Situation

by Associate Clinician Megan Kitchie Are you a gum chewer? I used to be, too. Before I came to the Well of Life, I chewed gum throughout the day to freshen my breath, settle my stomach, calm my nerves, and after just about everything I ate. In fact, no meal seemed...

Effects of EMFs

Effects of EMFs

Sometimes it can be difficult to believe that something is hurting your body unless you can physically see the danger or receive a harmful immediate response first hand. I think that is why it can be difficult to believe and understand the harmful effects of...

The Truth Behind Soy

The Truth Behind Soy

by Associate Clinician Felicia Pasquale Many of my clients often ask me what is the best food they can eat and what is the worst food they can eat. I tell them kale is definitely the best food and soy is one of the worst. Soy carries a multitude of sins; one of them...

Electromagnetic Frequencies

Electromagnetic Frequencies

by Associate Clinician Megan Kitchie Did you ever stop to think about what happens in your body when you go to sleep at night? After a day filled with activity or rest, food choices (both good and bad), encouraging conversations and stressful moments, you lie down at...

Do you or your children suffer from Text Neck?

Do you or your children suffer from Text Neck?

by Dr. Jon Gindhart, DC How many of us use a cell phone on a daily basis? Or work on a computer? Or a tablet? Just about all of us! Text Neck is a recent phenomenon that has been attributed to the prolonged use of these devices. Text Neck is described as pain and...

What is MLD?

What is MLD?

Your lymphatic system can be compared to a highway. It contains over 600 “collection sites” called lymph nodes and has a network of collecting vessels more extensive than the venous system. Running through the system on a continual basis, transporting white blood...

Going Bananas For Bananas

Going Bananas For Bananas

Bananas are a favorite fruit of many, and it's not hard to see why: bananas are inexpensive, delicious, and they come in their own carrying case! But those aren't the only reasons to add bananas into your diet. Read on to learn more about the many health benefits...

Your Endocrine System: The Key to a Happy Body

Your Endocrine System: The Key to a Happy Body

Your endocrine system plays an incredibly important role in the health and functionality of your body. It is responsible for every hormone secreted in your body, and controls things like your sleep, emotions, metabolism, digestion, reproduction, stress response,...

Super Foods: Sprouts

Super Foods: Sprouts

Walking through the aisles of the grocery store, it's not hard to see that much of the Standard American Diet is processed, overcooked, bleached, irradiated, genetically modified, and full of refined sugar, preservatives, pesticides, artificial colors and flavors,...

Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

"Functional fitness" seems to be a buzz word in health and wellness these days.  Here at the Well, health, wellness, and fitness have always been about function. So what is "functional fitness"? Functional fitness is about training and developing your body to function...

Picnics and Parties

Picnics and Parties

by Associate Clinician Victoria Fisher It’s that time of year when we’re all invited to picnics, graduation parties, and Fourth of July celebrations. And that means the all-American barbeque is right around the corner. And who wants to be left out or insult their...

Is the Placebo Response Such a Bad Thing?

Is the Placebo Response Such a Bad Thing?

by Chiropractor Dr. Jon Gindhart, DC Most of western medicine refers to the placebo response as a bad thing that interferes with research studies, can’t be quantified, and is just ‘in someone’s head’ First, what is the placebo response?  In his book The Placebo...

How To Eat Seasonally In Winter

How To Eat Seasonally In Winter

Eating seasonally is easy and enjoyable in the spring and summer months, when garden vegetables abound and the orchard trees and bushes are heavy with ripe fruit.  However, while things look a little more bleak in the winter, you still have some delicious choices to...

Healthy Holiday Recipes

Healthy Holiday Recipes

Are you trying to navigate your holiday parties and get-togethers while still making wise decisions related to your diet? Why don’t you try some of these delicious Well of Life Approved dishes? These healthy holiday recipes are sure to please any crowd!⁠Spinach...

Become Battle Ready!

Become Battle Ready!

The holidays are just around the corner! Unfortunately, so is cold and flu season. Your doctor (or employer, or school, or next-door neighbor) may be recommending the flu shot, but is that the right choice??? Flu shots (also available in a nasal spray) are formulated...

A Healthy Bump

A Healthy Bump

Are you trying to get pregnant? Are you thinking about getting pregnant in the next year or two? Well, you may be surprised to know that there is more that goes in to getting pregnant than just sperm + egg = baby. Or at least there should be. A woman’s body goes...

Good Local Restaurants

Good Local Restaurants

We all like to eat out now and then, but finding a restaurant that serves up tasty, healthy choices can be a difficult feat. Hopefully this list can help you out. Here are some great restaurants in the area that use fresh, local, or organic meats, fruits, and...

Food Facts: The Free-Range Egg

Food Facts: The Free-Range Egg

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Ok, so we don't actually have the answer to that question.  My guess is the chicken.  BUT, we do have some great information for you about those dichromatic ovoids that we call eggs.  More specifically, the  free-range egg....

How to Stay Healthy on Vacation!

How to Stay Healthy on Vacation!

Are you going on vacation this summer? Do you want to know how to stay healthy on vacation while still enjoying a break from your everyday routine? Follow these tips from our “How to Vacation the Well of Life Way” lecture to ensure you come home feeling relaxed and refreshed!

Two Easter Sides

Two Easter Sides

Try out one or both of these great recipes for your Easter Dinner!!! Carrot Bisque 6 pounds carrots, peeled and diced into 1/2" chunks 1 large onion, chopped 4 tablespoons olive oil 4 cloves garlic, minced 2 tablespoons curry powder 1 teaspoon sea salt Black pepper,...

Storing Your Fruits and Veggies

Storing Your Fruits and Veggies

Do you ever wonder how to store all of your healthy, delicious fruits and vegetables?  Here is a guide to help you make sure to get the most out of every bit of produce. Apples: Store in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. They give off a lot of ethylene gas, so do not...

Loving Your Liver

The liver is one of the busiest organs in your body.  Weighing in at around 3 pounds, it is the largest organ inside the body, and it is responsible for an estimated 500 functions.  Among these are converting the thyroid's hormones for use in the body, processing the...

Chemical Body

 January 1st serves as the starting point for many diets, exercise programs, and overall body improvements.  The phrase "New Year, New You" brings to many hope and a renewed determination to become a better version of themselves.  However, let the...

Bacon-Wrapped Dates

Bacon-Wrapped Dates

This recipe is a great choice for any holiday party you will host or attend.  Just be sure to make a lot, because they go fast! Ingredients:12 medjool dates12 1/2-inch cubes manchego cheese6 pieces uncured bacon, cut in half Preheat broiler.  Make a slit in the side...

A Note From Tony: Cold and Flu

A Note From Tony: Cold and Flu

The cold and flu season is here - are you ready?  Most people know that viruses enter our bodies through the mucous membranes.  We either encounter them from another person coughing or sneezing, or by touching an object that has the virus on it.  Then we touch our...

What the Frack?

What the Frack?

We have recently become aware of a potential health concern spreading through our area, and we would like to pass the word on to you. Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, is a relatively new method of releasing petroleum, natural gas, or coal seam gas from from rock...

Become a Locavore and Shop Local Produce!

Become a Locavore and Shop Local Produce!

​The autumn season presents a great opportunity to explore local produce from farms and orchards that offer fresh food with exceptional flavor, nutrients, and beauty. The greatest advantage to eating locally grown fruits and vegetables is that they are harvested at...

Healthy Halloween?

Healthy Halloween?

How do you enjoy a healthy Halloween when you’re trying to avoid sugar, while also avoiding any tantrums thrown by disappointed children?

Fall Fruit Cobbler

Fall Fruit Cobbler

4 ripe Bosc pears 6 McIntosh apples 3/4 cup dried cranberries 1 teaspoon grated orange zest 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed orange juice 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice 1/3 cup maple syrup 1/4 cup sucanat sugar 1/4 cup spelt...

Get Your Nap On

Get Your Nap On

You may think naptime is just for kids, but studies are showing that napping can have great benefits for adults as well!  Check them out below... Napping Enhances Your Memory Researchers at the University of California at Berkeley as well as the University of Haifa in...

What Is Whole Food Nutrition?

What Is Whole Food Nutrition?

If you are a client of the Well of Life Center, you have probably heard us refer to our supplements as "Whole Food Nutrition."  You may have wondered what exactly this means, and why we feel they are so important.  Read on for what Standard Process, maker the whole...

Zucchini Bread

Zucchini Bread

Are you wondering what to do with all of the zucchini growing from your garden?  Or maybe you just love zucchini bread.  Either way, read on for a great, Well of Life Approved recipe for delicious zucchini bread.  Make it as is, or add other nuts, dried fruit, or even...

What About Water?

What About Water?

If you are a client of the Well of Life Center, you should know the importance of drinking water.  Your body, being make up of 75% water, may need more water than you realize to function properly; in fact, your daily requirement of water is half of your body weight in...

Food Facts: Soaked Nuts

Food Facts: Soaked Nuts

Did you know that the healthiest way to eat nuts is by soaking them raw first?  The process of soaking raw nuts removes their naturally-occurring enzyme inhibitors, whose presence makes digestion difficult and sometimes uncomfortable or painful.  Soaking nuts also...

Creamy Coleslaw

Creamy Coleslaw

Try this great Well of Life Approved recipe for your 4th of July picnic! Ingredients: 4-5 cups green cabbage, shredded 1 cup safflower mayonnaise 1/3 cup agave nectar 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar 1 teaspoon mustard Dash of salt Optional: shredded carrot and red...

Food Facts: Raw Dairy

Food Facts: Raw Dairy

A very common question we get asked here at the Well is, "What is raw dairy, and why do you recommend it?" Raw dairy products are made from milk that has not been pasteurized.  The pasteurization of milk was instituted in the 1920's, and it involves a process in which...

Beauty From The Inside Out

Beauty From The Inside Out

Do you want that glow of health and radiance that make people wonder what you do for it? It goes deeper than what you put on your skin! Ageless beauty comes from giving the body the proper nutrition on a cellular level. Read on for some tips on everything you should...

A Note From Michelle: Posture

A Note From Michelle: Posture

by Massage Therapist Michelle Young It's time to start thinking a little differently as to what position we hold our bodies. Let us begin with our driving posture. Reevaluate your current hand position, head and shoulder position, and the distance at the legs. So...

Food Facts: Coconut Oil

Food Facts: Coconut Oil

What is coconut oil, and what do I do with it? We have heard this question over and over from our clients. Most people are, unfortunately, either uninformed or misinformed about the great benefits of coconut oil, and there are many! Coconut oil comes from the meat of...

A Note From Victoria: Why I Chose the Well

A Note From Victoria: Why I Chose the Well

Growing up, I planned on being a doctor or a researcher in pharmaceuticals. I wanted to help people get better.  My life took a different path, and I became a nurse, but still with the intention of helping people. I even turned to modern medicine for my own health...

Strawberry Romaine Salad

Strawberry Romaine Salad

Are you looking for a delicious salad to complete your Easter dinner?  Try this great Well of Life Approved recipe! Strawberry Romaine Salad 2 Tablespoons agave nectar 1/3 cup sliced almonds 1 head romaine lettuce, washed and torn 1/2 cup green onions, sliced 2 cups...

Cooking Techniques: Steaming Vegetables

Cooking Techniques: Steaming Vegetables

You may have heard us recommend that one of the best ways to cook your vegetables is by steaming them.  Steaming retains your vegetable's taste, texture, and, most importantly, nutritional content while cooking.  It also usually keeps the vegetables crisper and is...

Food Facts: Honey

Food Facts: Honey

Did you know that honey is considered the only food that never goes bad? Archaeologists have discovered honey in ancient Egyptian tombs, and have reported it edible! Honey, produced by honeybees from the nectar of flowers, has many beneficial qualities. Throughout...

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