A healthy home is an important element of a healthy lifestyle. Who didn’t grow up with the old Spring Cleaning ritual? Spring is a great time to super clean your house and get rid of all the dust and allergens that build up over the winter months. Especially those with forced-air heat, seasonal cleaning is an absolute must!
I love those first days of Spring when you can FINALLY open up the windows and get that beautiful fresh air in! I think it’s that fresh, clean air that inspires us to really want to do a good clean and search out hiding dust other pollutants in the less frequently cleaned nooks and crannies of our home.
While we are all well aware of those “usual” hideouts for dust and dirt, to help you enjoy a healthy home here is a list of those items that should always be on your seasonal cleaning checklist.

Fans – Ceiling, desktop and floor fans can accumulate a layer of dust and grime that is then scattered into the air when the fan is turned on.
Window Treatments – Curtains and blinds collect dust that is then blown throughout a home when windows are opened.
Pillows and Bedding – Cushions, blankets, comforters, mattresses and pillows can all develop mold, bacteria, a build up of dirt, and even odors. Be sure to wash seasonally to avoid breathing in these pollutants when sitting or sleeping on them.

Carpets and Rugs – Carpets and rugs collect the dust, dirt, and germs that are carried in on our shoes on a daily basis. Remember to launder smaller rugs and consider purchasing or renting a carpet cleaner for your larger rugs and carpets.
Shower Curtain and Liners – Shower curtains and liners can be host to a great deal of mold and/or mildew. Be sure to wash in hot water regularly, and even launder your decorative shower curtains semi-annually for a healthy home. Fabric shower curtain liners are a great, washable option and also don’t contain PVC which is an added health benefit!
Vacuums – When you are spring cleaning don’t forget your cleaning tools! Vacuums can become filled with all the contaminants they suck in, but many can be completely disassembled and cleaned. Keep replacement filters on hand so that you can change them out when you clean the rest of the unit.

Air Filters – Air filters should be changed 2-4 times per year because they become hosts to mold, mildew, bacteria and dust. Ensure that filters are kept clean so that you are breathing healthy air from your vents.
Ductwork – Ductwork can also host air pollutants and should be cleaned every few years to maintain a healthy home.
You’ll feel better and breathe better when you keep those seasonal cleaning habits. We hope this list is a helpful reminder to you of places or things within your home that may need some loving attention!