Well of Life Center for Holistic Healthcare
Beauty From The Inside Out

Beauty From The Inside Out

Do you want that glow of health and radiance that make people wonder what you do for it? It goes deeper than what you put on your skin! Ageless beauty comes from giving the body the proper nutrition on a cellular level. Read on for some tips on everything you should...
A Note From Michelle: Posture

A Note From Michelle: Posture

by Massage Therapist Michelle Young It’s time to start thinking a little differently as to what position we hold our bodies. Let us begin with our driving posture. Reevaluate your current hand position, head and shoulder position, and the distance at the legs....
Food Facts: Coconut Oil

Food Facts: Coconut Oil

What is coconut oil, and what do I do with it? We have heard this question over and over from our clients. Most people are, unfortunately, either uninformed or misinformed about the great benefits of coconut oil, and there are many! Coconut oil comes from the meat of...
Food Facts: Honey

Food Facts: Honey

Did you know that honey is considered the only food that never goes bad? Archaeologists have discovered honey in ancient Egyptian tombs, and have reported it edible! Honey, produced by honeybees from the nectar of flowers, has many beneficial qualities. Throughout...

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