Well of Life Center for Holistic Healthcare
A Sticky Situation

A Sticky Situation

by Associate Clinician Megan Kitchie Are you a gum chewer? I used to be, too. Before I came to the Well of Life, I chewed gum throughout the day to freshen my breath, settle my stomach, calm my nerves, and after just about everything I ate. In fact, no meal seemed...
The Truth Behind Soy

The Truth Behind Soy

by Associate Clinician Felicia Pasquale Many of my clients often ask me what is the best food they can eat and what is the worst food they can eat. I tell them kale is definitely the best food and soy is one of the worst. Soy carries a multitude of sins; one of them...
Going Bananas For Bananas

Going Bananas For Bananas

Bananas are a favorite fruit of many, and it’s not hard to see why: bananas are inexpensive, delicious, and they come in their own carrying case! But those aren’t the only reasons to add bananas into your diet. Read on to learn more about the many health...
Super Foods: Sprouts

Super Foods: Sprouts

Walking through the aisles of the grocery store, it’s not hard to see that much of the Standard American Diet is processed, overcooked, bleached, irradiated, genetically modified, and full of refined sugar, preservatives, pesticides, artificial colors and...
Picnics and Parties

Picnics and Parties

by Associate Clinician Victoria Fisher It’s that time of year when we’re all invited to picnics, graduation parties, and Fourth of July celebrations. And that means the all-American barbeque is right around the corner. And who wants to be left out or insult their...
How To Eat Seasonally In Winter

How To Eat Seasonally In Winter

Eating seasonally is easy and enjoyable in the spring and summer months, when garden vegetables abound and the orchard trees and bushes are heavy with ripe fruit.  However, while things look a little more bleak in the winter, you still have some delicious choices to...

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