Air Purifying House Plants

by | Sep 15, 2019

When it comes to choosing indoor greenery, these air purifying house plants do more than just look nice! Indoor plants can add beauty to your home as well as help reduce stress. But one of the greatest benefits of having house plants is their incredible ability to purify the air in your home.

NASA’s 1989 Clean Air Study identified the most effective air purifying house plants that can detoxify your home of airborne toxins, dust and germs. This study did also prove that to really be effective you need a TON of them in your home (about 93 to be exact!) but every little bit helps! And if you are going to invest in some house plants for aesthetics, why not choose ones that can improve the air you breathe?

House Plants That Purify the Air

Best House Plants to Buy for Air Purification

Indoor air pollutants are ranked among the top five environmental risks to public health. Given that people spend more than 90% of their time indoors, air quality is important. Upholstery furnishings, synthetic building materials, and cleaning products in homes and offices can emit a variety of toxic compounds. Indoor air pollution can also be caused by pollen, molds, and bacteria. Read on to see which houseplants are best to filter the air in your home or office.

Aloe Plants helps clear air pollutants found in chemical products. You can also trim leaves and harvest the gel to soothe cuts and burns, sunburn, or skin infections.

English Ivy is ranked as the #1 air-filtering houseplant. It absorbs formaldehyde (found in foam insulation and wood fitted furniture). It also helps to kill airborne mold spores. Use with caution; this plant is poisonous to pets and humans!

Peace Lilies can reduce numerous airborne toxins.

House Plants for Clean Air

Snake Plants are an easily-maintained plant that absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen during the night, when most other plants are taking a rest!

Bamboo Palm is effective at clearing out benzene (found in tobacco smoke and some solvents) and trichloroethylene.

Rubber Trees are one of the easiest plants to grow, but are powerful toxin eliminators and air purifiers.

Philodendron are very good at absorbing xylene.

Boston Fern and Golden Pothos are both known to remove formaldehyde from the air.

Dracaena can grow up to 15 feet, making it a great plant for decorating and filling up space. It also removes toxins including xylene, trichloroethylene (industry solvent) and formaldehyde from the air.

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Written By Well of Life Center

The Well of Life Center for Holistic Healthcare was founded on the belief that the body has an incredible ability to heal itself. Through functional healing, the Well of Life Center educates you so that you understand what is going on within your body, what is causing it distress, and how you can put it back in balance naturally.

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